Friday, July 9, 2010

Dragon Age II available for preorder, coming March 2011

If you're dying to slay more Darkspawn and catch up with your party around a virtual campfire, then we're pleased to inform you that a new installment of Dragon Age is only eight months away. Along with opening preorders for Dragon Age II today, EA promised a trailer for August 17 and revealed plans to ship the new chapter on the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 next March. Additionally, the next issue of Game Informer magazine (208) will feature an exclusive 10-page cover story of the title.

According to the official game page, players will embark upon an all-new adventure that spans an entire decade, where they'll be "forced to fight for survival in an ever-changing world" and "gather the deadliest of allies" – just like the first title. You can also expect an emphasis on character interaction, with decisions greatly affecting the world. There's also talk of updated combat mechanics, revamped graphics and a "new visual style."