Apple is expected to unveil its new line of iPods at music-related event tomorrow. Although, as usual, no official details are available as to what their exact plans are, several leaks and speculation in general point to built-in digital cameras on nano and touch models -- and possibly a microphone paired with VoIP capabilities on the latter.
But a new report from blog Apple Insider casts doubt on whether or not the revamped touch-based player will see the light of day this Wednesday. Citing "a person with a strong track record in predicting Apple's upcoming product launches," the site claims Apple has run into technical difficulties with the 3.2-megapixel modules it plans to use and that it may not be ready for a September launch. A separate report from Hardmac echoes this notion and says production problems affected the first dozen of thousands units produced.
Though the faulty units have reportedly been kept aside, there's no information on whether the problem was solved or not. That's not to say an announcement isn't due at tomorrow's event but, if reports are accurate, availability could be delayed and initial volumes reduced.
Even without the immediate availability (if at all) of a camera-equipped iPod touch, Apple supporters and music lovers might still have reason to be excited about tomorrow's event; some believe the company will announce a new version of iTunes with social networking features and add The Beatles' discography to its catalog.