Monday, April 13, 2009

Send File to any Drive Or Folder In a Single Click

What if I tell you a trick that helps you to send a particular file anywhere you like in Windows XP without going to that particular place? Sounds interesting?

The process is simple. You can do that by providing more locations to Send To option that comes when you right click on a particular file. To do that,

  1. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\User_name\SendTo
    (where User_Name is your user name)
  2. The folder will be filled with shortcuts to all the locations you find on your Send To context menu.
  3. To remove an item from the Send To menu, delete the shortcut from the folder.


  1. To add an item to the menu, add a shortcut to the folder by highlighting the folder,
  2. Choose FileNewShortcut, and follow the subsequent instructions for creating a shortcut. The new setting will take effect immediately; you don't have to exit Windows Explorer for it to go into effect.
Enjoy Laziness